When oriental flavors complemented local cuisine:Chifas in Piura and their inclusion in the regional gastronomic culture

Keywords: Intagible cultural heritage, local food customs, Piura, chinese inmigration.


The Piura region, in northern Peru, is recognized at the cultural and tourist level as an outstanding space for its intangible heritage, both artistic and gastronomic. The latter has been highlighted through National Declarations of Heritage as the one concerning Picanterías and chicherías piuranas cultural spaces (2015).

Nevertheless, the cultural tradition of Piura, in all its forms, as has happened in Peru, has been enriched through the contributions of different migrant groups, such as the Chinese, coexisting and creating a diverse culinary culture, with practices and flavors appropriate and resigned by the local collective memory.

Piura was a department that, in the second half of the 19th century, received a minority Chinese migrant population, compared to regions such as Lambayeque and La Libertad (Gutiérrez and Vargas, 2016, p. 76).


But, as happened in other places with higher migration density, the fondas had an early appearance and, later, the chifas. What products did they offer and how was this cuisine received by the local population? What local inputs would they have provided in this easy incorporation of chifa into the tables of Piura's population? And what memories are associated with these gastronomic spaces?

And what memories are associated with these gastronomic spaces? are some questions that, from the documentary and testimonial research, we outline in a first approach to this topic not addressed in the historical literature on the Piura region.



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Author Biographies

Julissa Gutiérrez Rivas, Universidad de Piura

PhD in Heritage from the University of Huelva (Spain), with the thesis «Slavery in Piura. Century XVIII". Her research is associated with migration through the processes of black slavery; as well as the migrations of the 19th century in Peru, particularly that of the Chinese population. She has participated in different academic events on the subject of Chinese immigration. She is Principal Professor of the Department of History and Art at the University of Piura. She is a member of the Peruvian Association of Economic History.

Among her most recent publications are: The Paita-Guayaquil slave trade during the eighteenth century; Natural disasters, epidemics and public policies. Piura in the centenary of Independence (1912-1925); Insertion strategies of a married couple of freedmen in Piurana society. Century XVIII; African history and culture in Latin America. A proposal for its recognition and dissemination; Mateo de Izaguirre and the slave trade through the port of Paita (1753-1765); Putting down roots in fertile soil: Chinese immigrants in northern Peru.

Cristina Milagros Vargas Pacheco, Universidad de Piura

Master in Art History and Heritage from the University of Bordeaux 3 (France) and Master 1 in Museology from the École du Louvre (Paris). Currently, he has completed doctoral studies in Tourism at the University of San Martín de Porres. She is an ordinary professor in the Department of History and Art at the University of Piura and has taught in other houses of study. She is a member of the National Association of Museologists of Peru and the Association of Curators of Peru. She has participated in different academic events on the subject of Chinese immigration.

Among her most recent investigations are: the celebrations for the centenary of the painter Ignacio Merino and the defense of one of his works in Piura (1917); Digitize and exhibit El Tiempo de Piura: a window into the imaginary of the Piura society of the mid-20th century; Accessible museum for gerontological tourism in Peru: notes for the construction of a theoretical framework; A history of tourism in Peru. The State, visitors and businessmen (1800-2000); Putting down roots in fertile soil: Chinese immigrants in northern Peru.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Rivas, J., & Vargas Pacheco, C. (2023). When oriental flavors complemented local cuisine:Chifas in Piura and their inclusion in the regional gastronomic culture. Turismo Y Patrimonio, (20), 09-29. https://doi.org/10.24265/turpatrim.2023.n20.01
Research articles